The smokers are coming out for the 773 Scouters Association in October as they begin a fundraising effort for improving their facilities.

The combined efforts of Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and Cub Scouts under the 773 are working toward a fundraising goal to install a new heating and air system in their facility at their Scout Hut where they moved in a few years ago. Additional funds beyond the HVAC system will be used to provide other opportunities for improvements on their Scout Hut.

Donations and the upcoming Boston Butt Sale are the main way that the 773 Scouters Association, along with some other opportunities presented the organization throughout the year.

“We recently teamed with the Rome Emperors to sell tickets to the August 31st game, tickets are only $13 and $5 of that goes to the Scouters Association to help with the building maintenance and continuous building/improvements,” said Karen Twiggs, the 773 Treasurer. “

Those interested in the August 31 tickets can purchase them here.

The Boston Butt Sale will be cooking up the barbecue on October 4, with pickup available on October 5.

“The butts cook for 12 + hours, and while they cook the boys will be working on cleaning around the new scout hut up,” Twiggs added.

Look for more information about the sale coming up in September, and reach out to the 773 Scouters Association for more.

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